Column 15 of the 2022 YKS Higher Education Programs and Quotas Guide contains accreditation information about higher education institutions and programs.
The presence of the phrase “YOKAK” on the line containing the name of the university indicates that the relevant university has Institutional Accreditation;
; Expressions such as MÜDEK, VEDEK, TEPDAD etc. on the line containing higher education programs indicate that the relevant program has Program Accreditation.
While institutional accreditation reveals the quality evaluation of the higher education institution as a whole (for all fields of activity such as leadership,
management, education, research, social contribution); program accreditation reveals the quality assurance evaluation of the relevant program.
Click for detailed information.
Library and Information
Our Central Library, which will be moved to its new building in the new academic year is provided with a very rich collection in terms of printed and electronic materials. In each unit of our
university, there are computers with internet connection allocated for the use of students.
Free wireless internet service is available in all student canteens, laboratories, reading rooms, central library, faculties and colleges.
The "Borrowing Station", which enables our students to borrow and return books and magazines, serves in our Central Library.